CSR Reports


Our society is constantly pursuing progress and growth. The improvement of material living standards, the enhancement of living quality and morality, the stability of society, racial equality, and the improvement of the environment, are all meant to allow human beings to become better spiritually and materialistically. Just like a small society, an enterprise not only propels the economy and provides stable job opportunities, but also acts as a positive force in facilitating social growth at all levels. Only when an enterprise grows together with society can it achieve sustainable management.

Formosa Plastics Group issued its "2008 CSR Report" for the first time in December 2008, and has continued to issue such report every year. Since 2014, 7 coporations in the group have issued separate CSR reports in order to obey TWSE’s request.

The reports reveals relevant information and data regarding FPG's effort in environmental protection, corporate governance, and philanthropy. FPG works hard to fulfill its long-term commitments through the fruitful results of its hard work for the shareholders, clients, suppliers, employees, government agencies, associated communities, and the public.

2020CSR Reports

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